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Staff Welfare Schemes

  1. Accommodation in the Campus
  2. Medical Facilities including Health Cards
  3. Policy for Compensatory Off
  4. Entitlement of Leaves
  5. Sabbatical / Study Leave and financial assistance is provided for higher studies.
  6. Incentives and awards are given to faculty members for their academic excellence and clinical research outputs.
  7. Intramural grants for Research projects , start-ups and publications
  8. Carrier Development/ Advancement Scheme
  9. Learn while you work scheme with benefits of Tuition fee concession
  10. Retirement benefits
  11. Guest House Facility
  12. Bank Facilities
  13. Transport Facilities: The staff members are provided facility of transport for assigned official work.
  14. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Freeship & Reward Scheme
  15. Auditorium- with Modern facilities is available for conducting various cultural activities and scientific activities
  16. Sports Complex
  17. Health Club Other beneficiary’s (Students) : Scholarships, Free-ships and fee concessions , medical aid, free bus facilities ,Financial assistance for research work, paper presentation at scientific events, Group Insurance Scheme , ‘Earn WhileYou Learn’ etc.